Call History Overview

The Call History screen contains information about each call attempt that was made in the system, known as the Call Detail Record (CDR).

The table view defaults to displaying data from the last 24 hours, and it can be filtered for up to the last sixty days. Additional filters are the dates of the call, a single user, a department, a site, the caller's number, the dialed number, and call type.

Call History Table


1. wp: This abbreviation next to a number means the device is a web phone. (e.g. 6800wp)

2. SpeakAccount: This term may appear in the "To" column and indicates that the caller hung up during a voice prompt. For instance, a caller dials his co-worker, but his co-worker does not answer. The voicemail prompt begins to play, but before it has finished, the caller hangs up. 


Column Name Definition
From Name / From This is the carrier information. It is the phone number and contact name from the device that placed the call. 
QoS (from) The QoS (quality of service) "from origin" and "to origin". Read "QoS Module Glossary" for more information about this data. 
Dialed / To "Dialed" is the phone number that was called, and "To" is where the call ended up. "Dialed" will be different than the "to" number in cases such as when a call is transferred, or placed into a queue. 
QoS (to) The QoS (quality of service) "to term" and "from term". Read "QoS Module Glossary" for more information about this data. 
Date The date the call was placed. 
Duration The elapsed time of the call in minutes:seconds. 
Release Reason This is the reason why the call was released (ended). Refer to the next section below for "Call Release Reasons". 
Quick Links
(grey icons)
(in order from left to right)

Recording: If available, this icon will download the call's recording. For more information, read "Understanding Call Recording Transcription and Sentiment Analysis"

Listen: If the call was recorded, this icon will open an audio player on screen.

SIP Flow: This icon opens a comprehensive listing of all technical information captured during the call from the moment a connection is first being attempted until the call ends. For more information, read "How Do I Read The Switch Logic Information in a Call Trace?"

Cradle to Grave: This is an accessible version of the SIP flow. For more information, read "Cradle to Grave Overview"

Add Notes: This is the call disposition, where a user can store notes about the conversation. 

Call Release Reasons

When a call terminates, there is a "call cancel" reason listed in the Call History table. Here are some of the most common reasons:

Value Description
Cancel Connect The connection was cancelled.
Connect The call was connected to another destination; e.g caller was answered by the auto attendant and then connected to an extension.
Curl Err: 18 Web Responder - A file transfer was shorter or larger than expected.
Curl Err: 23 Web Responder - An error occurred when writing received data to a local file.
Curl Err: 28 Web Responder - Operation timeout. The specified time-out period was reached according to the conditions.
Curl Err: 7 Web Responder - Failed to connect to host or proxy.
Dispatched Call dispatched from Call Queue.
Domain Limit The call was blocked because its associated domain has exceeded the provisioned limit.
Incompatible Media There is no compatible codec to support this call.
Invalid PIN An invalid PIN was entered.
Max Recording The call was disconnected by reaching the maximum allowed recording duration.
Message Sent The recorded message was sent.
302 Moved The terminating destination is temporarily moved.  The terminating destination may have forwarding enabled on the phone.
No ACK Timeout The call was disconnected because the answer (i.e. 200 OK) was not acknowledged.
No Answer The was no answer from the termination side.
No Audio File An audio file needed to be played out cannot be found.
No Dial Rule The dialing cannot be matched by any dial rule associated with the caller.
No digit Digit Collection timed-out before any digit was received.
No Orig Match Origination does match any defined Registrar or Connection entry.
No Response No Response received from the forward leg.
No Route No defined route can be found for this call.
No Subscriber Requested Subscriber does not exist.
Not Found The intended termination cannot be found.
Orig: Bye Call was ended by a BYE from the origination side.
Orig: Cancel Call was canceled by the origination side while the termination side was being rung but not yet answered.
Restart The system restarted during the call.
Term Locked The termination was disabled from service by the system administrator.
Term: 403 The termination side forbids this call.
Term: 404 The termination side reports Not Found.
Term: 480 The termination side temporarily Unavailable.
Term: 481 The termination side reports Call/Transaction Does Not Exist.
Term: 486 The termination side is busy.
Term: 487 The termination side reports Request Terminated.
Term: 503 The termination side reports Service Unavailable.
Term: 603 The call has been declined by the termination side.
Term: Bye Call was ended by a BYE from the termination side.
Term: Reg Expired Registration is Expired on the termination side.
Time Limit The call exceeded Time Limit.
Transferred The call was transferred.
Wrong Orig IP Origination IP is Wrong.

Call Exports

Also on the Call History screen is the ability to export call data. Click Export to immediately download the current table view. Or use Scheduled Exports to configure automatic exports to an email address, to an FTP (File Transfer Protocol) server, or an SFTP (Safe File Transfer Protocol) server. 

Scheduled exports can be edited or downloaded directly from the Scheduled Exports screen.

Add a New Call History Export

To add a new scheduled export, consider the following field values: 

Name The name can be no more than 64 characters long. No special characters other than a hyphen, space, or underscore. 
Type Monthly will send a report on the first of every month.

Weekly will send a report for the last 7 days, including the current day. For instance, select "weekly" and then "Sunday" to receive data from the previous work week (Monday - Sunday).

Daily will send a report at the same time every day.

Customize opens a wide range of capture periods.
After Completion After scheduling the export, choose where the data should be exported to: "Do Nothing" (which downloads the data to the portal), "Email Attachment", "FTP" (File Transfer Protocol) server, or "SFTP"(Safe File Transfer Protocol) server.

The Options tab is available after creating a name for the export in the Basic tab. Here, the export can be limited to a particular user or extension and type of call. The exported file can also be modified here by choosing between "advanced", "standard", and "basic".

Example Exported Files

A basic export includes the fields used in the most recent export, such as this:


An advanced export includes the most commonly used call history fields.


A standard export includes all of the fields in the call history, as seen below.