How do I stop SIPVicious attacks?

Clear Clouds users/phones are receiving ghost calls or phantom calls that when answered, there is no one on the other line of the call.  This could be a dead silent or just a quiet noise.   The phones would endlessly ring and it shows the caller info as 100,101, etc... with Sipvicious showing up on the phone screen.   

These type of calls are blocked on our phone system and will not show up on the call logs.

Sipvicious is a program use by "Hackers" to probe networks or ip phones that are connected to the internet.  Hackers will use this to scan sip services on the internet facing firewall or router.

What do I need to do?

The only solution is to block these type of calls is to ensure that SIP ports such as 5060, 5061 are blocked on the firewall or router.   Please contact your IT department or consultant to ensure that this is the case.

Please refer to our network rule information which contains the IP Ranges/Subnet you should be accepting traffic from.