Manually configure an Algo device to Endpoint Provisioning Server

Items Needed

  • Device MAC address
  • Provisioning Url
  • Reseller or Higher user scope

Step 1: Adding Algo Device to System

  1. Login to Manager Portal with your reseller access
  2. You can add under the User or under Inventory
    1. User Method
          1. Select Domain | Select Users Icon | Select User | Select Phones | Select Add Phone
          2. Select Model
          3. Enter MAC Address
          4. Select Add

    2. Inventory Method
      1. Select Inventory | Phone Hardware | Add Phone
      2. Select Model | Enter device MAC Address | Select User for Line 1
      3. Save

Step 2: Manually adding the provisioning server to the phone

  1. Go to a browser address bar and type the IPaddress of the device. 
  2. Type the  username and password for Algo( default: algo / algo )

  3. Once logged in, go to Advanced Settings | Provisioning
    1. Set Server Method to Static
    2. Enter Server Url = or
    3. Set Download Method to HTTP
    4. Click Save at the bottom of the page then reboot the device