Provisioning Amazon S3 Bucket for Archiving Recordings

SE Telecom provides Best Efforts retention for call recordings. This means that although by default we will strive to retain call recordings for up to 30 days, we will not make any guarantees as to the length of time that a recorded file will be retained. As an option, SE Telecom can store your recordings in an S3 bucket you provide. S3 is the cloud storage solution of Amazon Web Services. This will give you greater control of the retention policies associated with your customers. This service requires a one-time setup fee. Please contact your sales representative for pricing.

Step 1 - Request this feature from SE Telecom
Step 2 – Setup your Amazon S3 Bucket
Step 3 – Send the following information to SE Telecom support

1. Bucket Name
2, Access Key ID for SE Telecom user
3. Secret Access Key for SE Telecom user

Allow SE Telecom support two to three business days to complete the transfer setup.

Once activated, your archived call recording files will be transferred to AWS and segregated into directory folders by domain and date. Each recording will be named using the SIP Call ID of the call that was recorded. Each folder with recordings also contains an index file containing the ANI, DNIS, Call Time, Duration, and Call ID for easier searchability. You may browse and download call recordings using the Amazon S3 web interface, or using a 3rd party FTP client such as CyberDuck.

NOTE: Any call recordings stored in AWS will still be available from the PBX portals. This means that your end-users will be able to access the recordings as usual. They simply need to click on a recorded call, and the system will fetch the file from Amazon and play it.

Create S3 Bucket

  1. Login to the AWS console. Select the S3 service and create a bucket.


  1. Give the S3 bucket a name. It must be globally unique. Example: abc_reseller_recordings

Create IAM User for SE Telecom To Access Bucket

  1. Login to the AWS Console. Select the Identity & Access Management service by clicking on IAM under Security, Identity, & Compliance section.


  1. Select Users from the left menu, and then click the Add User button.
  2. Create a user and save the user's credentials (Access Key ID and Secret Access Key) presented on the next page.
  3. Create a new policy by going to the Policies in the left side menu and then the Create Policy button.
  4. Select "Create Your Own Policy" and complete the form. Paste the JSON below in the "Policy Document" text area, replacing the two instances of "abc_reseller_recordings" with the name of the S3 Bucket you created above.

IAM Policy


6. Attach the newly created policy the user previously created by filtering for and clicking on the policy that was just created. Click the "Attached Entities" tab. Click the "Attach" button and select the user that was previously created and click the "Attach Policy" button.
7. Submit the S3 Bucket name, and the user's Access Key and Secret Access Key to SE Telecom support.