Unregistered 911 Call Information

If the phone number is not registered with an address in the E911 location database the call will be routed to the ‘National Emergency Services Call Center' without address information by default. This is highly discouraged by our E911 carriers, see


WARNING: It is the responsibility of RESELLER to ensure that all end users have correct 911 Caller ID information entered in the PBX portal with an address registered in the E911 location database. If this information is not entered properly, callers may not be able to dial 911 or calls will not be routed to the local emergency center.

WARNING: In cases where a 911 Caller ID number is configured for an end user in the PBX portal without having an address registered in the E911 location database, then RESELLER will be charged $150 per call for 911 dialed calls routed the ‘National Emergency Services Call Center'.

WARNING: Inbound calls transferred by PBX users to 911 are permitted. We cannot block transfers to 911. If a call is transferred to 911 and the ANI is not registered it will incur an ‘Unregistered 9-1-1 Call’ fee. We highly advise you to inform your end customers not to transfer callers to 9-1-1. It's best to train or advise your end customer if every asked to transfer a call to 9-1-1, to ask the caller to hang up and dial 911 directly. The calling party's carrier is best able to respond with timely emergency location-based services.

Please contact support if you have any questions or are unsure of how to properly configure a phone number with 911 service