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Why Network Security Should Be a Top Priority for Your Business | SE Telecom

Written by James Stortz | Jun 19, 2023 4:47:35 PM



Why Network Security Should Be a Top Priority for Your Business

Network security is a bigger deal than you think it is. Cyberattacks affected 85% of Canadian companies in 2021, despite Canada being one of the best countries for cybersecurity. 


Very few companies take network security seriously. They assume that minor measures like having a long password will protect them from all attacks. 


You must make network security a priority for your business immediately. If you’re not convinced, read this guide on cyberattacks. 

Breaches Can Be Devastating

The average cost of a data breach is $3.62 million. Many attackers hold sensitive information for ransom, and you may need to pay hundreds of thousands of dollars to get it back. You must also pay thousands to increase your security during and after the breach. 


60% of small companies go out of business after a data breach. Many customers stop ordering their services, believing their information would be at risk. Even a minor breach can hurt your corporate image and make sales more difficult. Financial services businesses are at high risk for a data breach, as they hold sensitive information that hackers want. 


Related: Financial Services

Attackers Are Getting More Complicated

When people think of network attacks and cyberattacks, they think about downloading malware or phishing. These are two common types of cyberattacks, but hackers are developing more methods to destroy your network security. 


A hacker can launch a man-in-the-middle (MITM) attack, viewing the messages and data you send over your network. A hacker can connect you to a free and malicious Wi-Fi network, spoof your Domain Name System, and hijack your VoIP system. You may not notice MITM attacks are taking place.


A drive-by attack involves embedding malicious codes into your web pages. When you click on a link or load a page, the hacker’s code loads, and they get access to your system. You don’t need to give any data or download anything for them to steal your information. 


Zero-day attacks involve pre-existing problems with a company’s code. Once a hacker discovers a problem, they can enter your network and hold information for ransom. Mitel experienced a zero-day attack in 2022 that almost exposed all of the company’s data. 


Security features like hash algorithms can prevent attacks and help you determine the authenticity of messages. But hackers are finding ways around these features. An attacker can replace the hash algorithm in your message with their own algorithm and trick you into clicking on something.


Do you want comprehensive security features that work for present and future threats? Contact experienced network security professionals at SE Telecom today! 

Your Employees Can Make Mistakes

Employees can click on a link in a malicious email, send their information to a hacker posing as an employee, or leave their device out for someone to steal it. Employees using Direct Inward Dialing (DID) can send a caller to a hacker’s number, exposing their information. One mistake can lead to a devastating attack if you don’t have robust network security.


Related: What Is Direct Inward Dialing (DID)?


Do not think your high-ranking employees are immune from cyberattacks. Many hackers go after C-suite executives because they are more likely to pay ransom for stolen information. They also have files that can harm a company more than lower-ranking employees. 


Insider threats affect more than one-third of businesses all over the world. A disgruntled employee can leak information or hand over their credentials to an attacker. After you fire someone, you need to remove their credentials and take back their devices immediately. 

You Need Multiple Levels of Network Security

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Alt text: a hacker at their computer


Many companies focus on preventing attacks, which is fine. But when attacks occur, these companies have very few resources to stop the hackers from accessing more information. 


You need to have ways you can stop attackers who are already in your system. An easy thing you can do is send messages to your employees to change their passwords and switch their devices. You can also download software that detects suspicious activity on your network and removes bad actors. 

You Can Improve Network Security Easily

Network security threats shut your business down and damage your client outreach. However, you can take several efficient steps to increase network security today. All of these steps are affordable and easy to implement, and they offer immediate protection, especially if you get help from network security specialists.

Require Multi-Factor Authentication

Multi-factor authentication (MFA) tools require users to provide multiple pieces of confidential information to access their accounts and company documents. Your tools can require a user to provide their personalized password or answer a personal question that only they know the answer to. 


To strengthen your system, you can require your user to provide a key number on an ID card. They can also scan their retina or fingerprint to access your most sensitive pieces of information. The more factors you ask users to provide and the more personalized the information is, the stronger your MFA system will be. 

Switch to a Clear Clouds Phone System

A Clear Clouds Phone System uses cloud technology to connect your calls to other employees and customers. Clear Cloud Phone technology encrypts all communications, making it harder for hackers to access or listen to your conversations. Your provider can automatically update your system, providing you with the most recent security tools. 

Order Remote Management and Monitoring

Remote management and monitoring (RMM) services can manage your IT systems from a different location. RMM staffers can look at your devices and endpoints and monitor them for signs of suspicious activity. They can respond quickly and investigate what happened to prevent future attacks. 


Do you want someone else to take care of your IT problems? Purchase remote management and monitoring services from SE Telecom today!

Start Security Seminars

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You should educate your employees on network security threats at least once a year. Talk to them about how to spot phishing scams and what they should do if their accounts get stolen. Tell them you will never ask for their personal information in an email or a text message. If you are switching to VoIP, walk your employees through the transition so they do not expose their information or create network vulnerabilities.

Related: 5 Crucial Steps When Switching to VoIP