ADSL Internet
Get better, faster, more reliable ADSL internet for your organization
Speed, reliability, and uptime are essential for your organization. Don’t pay higher rates for slower speeds, and forget about worrying about downtime. At SE Telecom, we can help your organization find the right ADSL internet provider that it needs to operate efficiently.
- High-quality, reliable connection
- Fast data transmission through a single point of connection
- Minimal maintenance and installation costs
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SE Telecom: Your ADSL Internet Provider
Reliability? Check
Connect your business with what matters the most with the most reliable ADSL internet.
Super Fast Sharing
Share media, audio, and voice as fast as you can stream it on multiple devices at once.
Connect It All
With fast speeds and minimal downtime, connect to every endpoint your business needs to get things done fast and efficiently.
Work Harder Without Interruptions
Stay connected to the things and people important to your organization. Work hard and quit worrying about interruptions.
What Is ADSL Internet?
Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line (ADSL) internet is a popular type of broadband that uses copper wires of phone lines. It’s most commonly used for small businesses and household internet.
ADSL is a cost-effective way for businesses to access the internet, and it’s a powerful tool for small businesses and startups that don’t yet need the higher speeds of cable or fiber.

How Does ADSL Internet Work?
To set up an ADSL connection, you need to connect an existing phone system to the BT line using copper wires. A DSL splitter or filter isolates frequency bands, which allows your organization to make phone calls and use the internet from a single line.
ADSL performance is affected by the distance from your PBX — the closer the premises are to the exchange, the stronger the signal and the better the performance. Those close to the PBX will see speeds up to 24 Mbps, while those towards the edge will see significantly slower rates.
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SE Telecom offers everything you need in one place.
At SE Telecom, our core mission is to provide our clients a reliable communications infrastructure solution that meets the rigorous functional demands of tomorrow’s markets while enhancing workforce productivity today – delivering enhanced profitability and growth unattainable with previous technologies.